Thank goodness A Quiet Place came along to remind black people that the white man knows how to do horror movies still! Easily one of the most inventive films in years, A Quiet Place was a brilliant concept that was executed with similar brilliance. Brilliant, I do say, BRILLIANT! Naturally, LOTS of folks in Hollywood started to immediately talk about a sequel because of course they did: Hollywood loves follow up movies, especially for horror flicks.
(Note: This post is updated with all additional information as it becomes available so keep checking back for more!)
Do You Want to watch A Quiet Place 2?

Will There Be A Quiet Place 2?
Yes. Did you hear about that box office? Get it? HEAR ABOUT IT! HEAR! Because the movie is mostly about being quiet. Man, I’m clever as fuck sometimes, aren’t I?
A Quiet Place 2 RUMORS
OK, so, a MAJOR rumor is that this will be tied into the Cloverfield Universe somehow. That seems like a bit of a stretch but you never know these days. The other whispering from the world of fancy people known as Hollywood is that it would either 1. explain the origin of things 2. have nothing to do with the first movie, instead focusing on a different family in a different place. Leading candidate is New York City because everything has to be in NYC eventually. They could just use a nameless city though, so as to give it more universal appeal. Emily Blunt will be in it, somehow, which is all I care about. I’m in love. HARD.
Possible A Quiet Place 2 Names
- A Quieter Place
- Shhh!
- A Quite Place
Who’s directing A Quiet Place 2?
No one knows yet. Krasinski is interested but his schedule is demanding. Weird that he turned out to be sorta legit as an actor, though I wonder that he’s a bit of a douche in real life (or IRL as the kids write).
A Quiet Place 2 Writers
Scott Beck was one of the principle architects of the first movie and he’ll return, along with Jim from The Office, to write the second movie. No one really expects much, as the important thing is the directing and acting.
A Quiet Place 2 Pictures
A Quiet Place 2 Trailer
A Quiet Place 2 Release Date
April of 2021. The first movie did gangbusters with that release date so why mess with a good thing? Build a tradition that every April, everyone is quiet!
A Quiet Place 2 Cast
- And that dude from The Office, I guess. SHOULD BE ME!!!!!!!
A Quiet Place 2 Box Office
Uh, yeah, so… the first movie cost $17m and made approximately a bajillion dollars at the box office. The second movie will do even more, as they’ll whore themselves out for a video game and such. Maybe even a theme park ride. (Parents would LOVE to take their kids on that one, I promise you.)
Final Thoughts on A Quiet Place 2
No one move a muscle, no one say a word, keep all eyes peeled on this post for more to come later. It’ll mostly be Emily Blunt talk, I won’t lie.
Like the Way We Previewed A Quiet Place 2? Read On:
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