Gilbert Melendez cheated and still lost. News has broke – which means someone tweeted something – that Melendez had basically fake testosterone in his system. This was during his last fight against Eddie Alvarez. The one where he gassed a bit (Mexico City is very high, which apparently surprised some fighters). Gilbert Melendez fails drug test. Idiot
Again, Gilbert Melendez used PEDs and still lost. So, he’s gonna be suspended and fined. He’s already been pulled from its upcoming fight. And in keeping with how the world works, he’s issued a statement, via the UFC, where he does the old “I didn’t cheat but I did and I’m sorry but not sorry” deal.
“Regrettably, I tested positive in my post fight urine sample for UFC 188. I did not inject anything, but I am responsible and accept the consequences for the results. I will make sure I am better educated about the products I use and their implications. Going forward I will ensure no products I use will contain banned substances. I am sincerely apologetic to everyone who supports me, including my fans, sponsors and the UFC. I value your trust and respect and will do everything in my power to keep it.”
I like the “products I use part.” When was the last time you went to the store and bought a banana and, oops!, it was filled with steroids.

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